This is a follow-up to my earlier Parameterised Types post, specifically focusing on this code example:

type Optional<X> = X | null;

function first<X>(items: Array<X>): Optional<X> {
  if (0 in items) {
    return items[0];
  } else {
    return null;

And this footnote:

  1. Flow has an (unfortunate? intentionally designed?) backdoor that lets you figure out what the items are; I’ll be covering this in the next post.

The short-but-dense version of this post: Flow’s parameterised types unfortunately don’t give us parametricity, both because of things like being able to compare anything (a property of JavaScript, something that’s arguably not Flow’s fault), but because of Flow’s own “refinements” concept which lets us inspect the type of ostensibly-opaque parameterised values.

If you have no idea what that means (and no hard feelings if you don’t), let’s dig into an example or two instead:

function justReturn<X>(thing: X): X {
  return thing;

const x = justReturn("hi"); // x is "hi"
const y = justReturn(1234); // y is 1234

The type signature of this function, justReturn<X>(thing: X): X, means to some people justReturn is a function, that when called with an argument of type X (thing), will return an value of type X. And without the ability to know what type X is, we can’t do anything with it (call any methods, use it in any functions) or make version of X.

Except unfortunately we can:

function justReturn<X>(thing: X): X {
  if (typeof thing === "number") {
    return thing * 2;
  return thing;

const x = justReturn("hi"); // x is "hi"
const y = justReturn(1234); // y is 2468... Uh oh.

The type signature of this function basically becomes
justReturn<X>(thing: (X | number)): (X | number).

Using flow type-at-pos on thing inside the if (typeof thing === "number") branch, we see its type is number. Outside that, in the other branch, it’s still X.

Back to the very first example:

type Optional<X> = X | null;

function first<X>(items: Array<X>): Optional<X> {
  if (0 in items) {
    return items[0];
  } else {
    return null;

We can’t just replace return items[0]; with return items[0] + 100; – that would explode with an error; we have to refine the value first, to make sure it’s a number before doing number-like things on it. Then it’d quite happily work, thanks to refinements:

function first<X>(items: Array<X>): Optional<X> {
  if (0 in items) {
    if (typeof items[0] === "number") {
      return items[0] + 100; // refined to "number"; can add 100.
    return items[0];
  } else {
    return null;

So suddenly first<X>(items: Array<X>): Optional<X> doesn’t work with an opaque “Array of Xs”; you can’t rely on the fact that the first function doesn’t know what X is anymore. The function has can do more, and has more power, than what it’s letting on with its type signature. This typeof check is a way of doing something called “Reflection”, and basically means you can’t trust your signatures as much anymore.

What can we do about it? I’m not sure.

  • Linting it is hard. Say we write a eslint-flow rule for some particular cases of it: we could easily make the justReturn example throw up warnings. But it gets hairy with the second example; how does it know that items[0] means getting the X from Array<T>? Or any other function that interrogates and changes this or other parameterised types.

  • Alter the compiler to throw errors when refining these bare (unbounded) type parameters. I don’t know how commonly in use this is, though.

  • Leave it as it is, and trust that people will not really make use of this, or think of type signatures as advisory at most. Scala allows this sort of runtime inspection, for better or for worse. But still… Bummer. 😟

In any case, I’m interested to hear what people think on this topic.

Until next time. 👋